Transportation, Communications, and Public Works

The Transportation, Communications, and Public Works (TCPW) Policy Committee reviews issues related to transportation planning, technology, funding, construction, public works, telecommunications, and other related areas.


Policy Committee

Committee Leadership
2024 Chair - Colleen Wallace, Council Member, Banning

2024 Vice Chair - Fred Jung, Mayor Pro Tem, Fullerton

Committee Members
The committee's membership is comprised of representatives from each of the Cal Cities professional departments, regional divisions, and caucuses, and appointments by the Cal Cities president.

2024 Policy Committee membership roster.

Learn how to join a Policy Committee.

Meeting Agendas and Highlights

The Transportation, Communications, and Public Works Policy Committee will meet in 2024 on the following dates and times:

  • Thursday, March 21, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
    Marriot Burbank Airport Hotel
    Agenda |  Highlights
      2023 Meetings


      Current Action in the Legislature


      Resources for Cities

      by Transportation, Communications, and Public Works Issue

      California Transportation Commission Reporting

      The California Transportation Committee (CTC) created reporting guidelines and an intake tool to meet the reporting requirements outlined in SB 1., which include the Road Repair And Accountability Act Of 2017, Local Streets And Roads Funding Annual Reporting Guidelines. These guidelines outline the process for cities to submit their project lists and expenditure reports to the CTC to establish eligibility for receiving SB 1 funds.

      Each year, every city must submit a project list, adopted by resolution, of projects to be funded with SB 1 funds by May 1 to the CTC's via their online SB 1 project list intake tool

      In addition to submitting the project list, cities must also submit an annual expenditure report by October 1 to the CTC via their online SB 1 expenditure report tool.

      Additionally, the CTC is required to create several annual reports based on the information received from the reporting requirements set forth in the Road Repair And Accountability Act Of 2017.

        State Controller's Office: Guidelines on Gas Tax Expenditures

        California Grants Portal

        The California Grants Portal (a project by the California State Library) is your one destination to find all grants and loans offered on a competitive or first-come basis by California state agencies. 

        Upcoming Events

        August 1, 2024 2:00 PM
        City Clerks Department Roundtable

        August 6, 2024 2:00 PM-3:00 PM
        Prop. 1 Implementation


        October 16-18, 2024
        Annual Conference and Expo

        View All >

        Take Action

        Our advocacy efforts are strongest when joined by the voices of city leaders. Visit the action center for a list of current priority legislative bills and proposals, and sample letters of support or opposition.


        Make your voice heard

        Contact Staff

        Damon Conklin
        Legislative Affairs, Lobbyist, Transportation, Communications, and Public Works
        (916) 658-8234

        Curious why Cal Cities supports or opposes certain bills or measures? Advocacy efforts are determined by  Annual Conference Resolutions or the  Existing Policy and Guiding Principles.