State Bills in Brief

Each week, Cal Cities breaks down the bills, policy committees, and legislative deadlines that city leaders need to know about. The weekly primer includes three recurring sections organized around Cal Cities’ advocacy priorities.

The "Hot bills” section is about the measures with the biggest potential impact on cities. These are the bills that city leaders need to be hyper-focused on. If your city can only act on a few bills, consider making these bills a priority. We'll likely need your support (or opposition) as the year goes on. 

Next are "priority bills." These bills may have less of an impact, but they are still extremely important to many, or even all, cities. Last is the "Other bills to watch" section, which may not show up each week. We’re monitoring these bills for any potential changes, but they will likely have a small, limited impact on cities — if at all. Anything can change though, which means these measures could be hot bills.  

Want to see the sessions, but cannot make it to the Capitol? The State Senate and State Assembly stream all floor sessions and regularly scheduled committee hearings.

Do you have feedback about this resource? Please email Brian Hendershot, managing editor for Cal Cities Advocate.

Latest State Bills in Brief

Past State Bills in Brief



Curious why Cal Cities supports or opposes certain bills or measures? Advocacy efforts are determined by Annual Conference Resolutions or the  Existing Policy and Guiding Principles.

Legal Advocacy

Laws affecting cities are made in the courts, as well as in the Legislature. Consequently, Cal Cities advocacy efforts extend to the appellate courts. The organization weighs in on legal issues where its participation is likely to help advance the legal interests of all California cities. Learn more about our Legal Advocacy efforts.